The Story of the Olive
It is estimated that there are 800 million olive trees in the world. It is known that 95% of these trees are located in the Mediterranean basin.
It is believed to have first appeared on the island of Santorini in Greece. The history of the olive in Greece dates back to 4,000 years ago. The oldest data related to the olive tree is based on archaeological studies on the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea. In these studies, olive leaf fossils that are 39,000 years old were unearthed. In archaeological research conducted in the Sahara region of North Africa, findings of olive trees dating back to 12,000 BC were discovered.
The History of the Olive
Today, the word “oil”, which has different pronunciations in all Western languages, is derived from the ancient Greek word “eleia”, which means olive tree. It is accepted that olive cultivation began with the first humans, and it is said that “the olive is the first of all trees.” The importance of olives in human history is mentioned in all sacred scriptures and in creation and establishment legends.
The Roots of the Olive Tree
The olive has been present in nature since prehistoric times and is an integral part of Mediterranean culture. While science cannot pinpoint exactly when the olive tree came into existence, mythology provides its own explanations. The olive tree was sent to the earth as a gift. The capital of Greece, Athens, takes its name from “Athena”, and Athena took her name from the olive tree. Moreover, it is believed that the famous tree of Athena is the olive tree standing next to the Portico in the Acropolis of Athens.
The Place of the Olive Tree in Ancient Greece
The olive represents virginity and purity. In ancient Greece, only virgins could pick olives. Those who were not virgins could not touch this fruit; the olive was held in such reverence. Athena is also a virgin and represents purity. The role assigned to her by the system is to represent virginity. Therefore, it was Athena who first brought forth the olive tree.
Solon’s Laws: The First Known Olive Protection Law in History
In ancient Greece, Solon, considered one of the seven sages, imposed severe penalties on those who cut down olive trees in his laws. In those times, the penalty for cutting down an olive tree was certain death. This is the first known olive tree protection law in history.
The first legend: Noah’s flood ‘.. And humanity is reborn with olives.’
One of the legends in the Old Testament speaks of “Nuh and Tufan .. The god, who sees that Ademoglu he has created scattering the seeds of evil on the earth, decides to punish them with a flood, and to make a ship to the Prophet, and to this ship, male and female seven of each clean animal, male and female from each clean animal and male and female seven seven seven. tells him to take it.
Then the great flood begins, Hz. Everything that lives on the earth, except Noah and the living things on the ship, is erased. When the flood was stopped, Hz. To see if Noah is withdrawn, he releases a pigeon from his window to the place where the sun sets. Since the water is not drawn, the pigeon returns to the ship. After seven days, the Prophet releases the pigeon again, the pigeon comes with a newly severed olive leaves in his mouth. Then Noah realizes that the waters were withdrawn from the earth. The pigeon holding the olive branch and leaves in his mouth becomes the symbol of hope, rebirth, beginning, peace and well -being since then.
The olive tree, which resists and survives the destructive power of such a large flood, is considered as a symbol of immortality throughout history.
Hz. Adam Legend- “Olive is the first of all trees.”
According to the legend, Adam, who was expelled from heaven by eating the forbidden fruit with Havva, feels that he will die when he was 930 and decides to ask God to forgive himself and all humanity. In this regard, his son Şit (Şit: The Qur’an is one of the prophets who are not mentioned, he is the first prophet born in the second world sent to the world after Adam) and sends him to the garden of Paradise. On the prayer of Melek Şit, who is the guard of the garden, he gives him the three seeds he bought from the good-bad tree and tells him that he should put the seeds in his mouth before burying his father. Adam died soon and is buried in the Hepron valley near Mount Tabor (Tabor Mountain: A mountain in the north of Israel in the country called Galilee). Three trees that flourish where Adam was buried; olives, cedar and cypress. According to this legend, peace between God and man has been achieved.
Olive tree is the only tree that can live in 2000 years and can continue to fruit.
Ancient Egypt
In ancient Egypt, olives accompanied the divine virtues. The crown covered with olive leaves under the title of Pharaoh Tutlukamon was the crown of justice. It is possible to come across numerous works with this “justice crown”, Tutlukamonu, the most well -known pharaoh of Egypt, which died at an age of children.
Old Testament
“The symbol of prosperity and abundance; Olive.”
According to the Old Testament, olives are the symbol of prosperity and abundance, and not only the Old Testament, but in all the holy books, the olive tree is the most important virtue and values for humanity, the abundance, justice, health, pride, victory, wisdom, intelligence, purification and rebirth. symbol.
The tree of the perfect world in the holy books
For people, the olive tree is sacred, they think of it as the most valuable gift of Jehovah. The sanctity of the olive tree was transferred from them to Arabs and Islam. The olive tree is considered the perfect world tree, its central and support column.
In the Bible; In terms of Christianity, the pigeon carrying the olive branch is interpreted as a means of the dead who carries the souls of the dead to God. In Pavlos’ letter to the Romans, he used the olive tree as a tool of analogy. ’… If the root is sacred, the branches are sacred. But if some of the branches of the good breed of olive tree were pruned and you are instilled between them while you are a wild olive, do not boast against previous branches if you became a common to the essence of the tree with them! ’
If you are cut from the wild olive tree and vaccinated in a good breed of olive trees contrary to nature, the branches pruned from the good breed tree will easily be vaccinated to their trees! (Letter to the Romans 11: 16-24)
In Jerusalem, there is an olive grove called Cetsımani, located on the western skirts of Zeytindağı. This is Hz. It is near the Kidron valley, where Jesus frequently suffered. In this garden, which has a bushy flowing fountains, wide and beautiful ways, there are eight historical olive trees, and the people of the region believe that these trees remain from the Messiah period. Zahits make rosary by arriving the olives they collect from these trees on the rope. According to a belief Hz. Jesus Roman soldiers were caught in this olive grove. Many people pray to Cetsımani when they are in trouble and pray and believe that they will find peace here.
In Evrat and the Bible, the word olive is mentioned 140 times.
Judaism, which is the east of Jerusalem, is considered sacred for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are three celestial religions.
In the Holy Quran, the word olives passes six times in four suras.
In Surah Nur; The olive is as follows: ”Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The representation of his light is: a cell on the wall; In a oil lamp in a lamp, a glass lantern. The lantern is a shining star like a pearl. It is ignited from a blessed tree, from the olive tree that belongs to the east or the west. (Surat al -Nur 35.
In Surah Tin; “Let it swear to figs and olives”. Surah Tin is meaningful in terms of explaining the secret of the ahsen-i calendar of human creation. According to some commentators; It is assumed that the fig seed symbolizes the reproductive cell of the figs, the woman’s egg cell symbolizes the man’s reproductive cell, the woman’s egg cell.
Verse in Surah En’am; It is the water from the sky. Here we remove all kinds of plants with it and form greenery from them, and those green plants, overlapping grains,- the buds of the palm tree-sagging clusters- grape gardens, olives and pomegranates.
In Surah Nahl; “He is the one who lowered water from the sky for you; The drink from him, the tree is from him (which) you graze your animals in him. He finishes with him from all kinds of crops, olives, dates, grapes and fruits. Certainly, there are verses for a community that can think. ” (Surat al-Nahl, 10-11)
Zeytin Hakkında Kısa Bilgiler
- Dünya üzerinde yetişen ağaçların ilkidir.
- Yunan Mitolojisinde tanrıça Athena’nın hayatını sürdürebilmesi için zeytin ağacını sürekli görmesi gerekiyordu. Kimi tanrılarında zeytin ağacının altında doğması gerekiyordu.
- Sezar başında zeytin ağaçlarından yapılmış taçla halkın karşısına çıkardı.
- Uzun süre olimpiyatlarda kazanan kişiye zeytin dalından yapılmış taç takılır ve zeytinyağı ile ödüllendirilirdi.
- Efsanevi kahraman Herkül’ün silahı zeytin ağacındandır.
- Eski çağda zeytin ağacına zarar verenler ölümle cezalandırılırdı.
- İsa’nın çarmıha gerildiği haç zeytin ağacından yapılmıştır.
- Davut, Abo Şalomdan kaçarken Kudüs’ün doğusundaki zeytinlik dağının yamaçlarına tırmanmıştır.
- Eski yunan da kutsal ağaç olarak kabul edilip zeytin tarımının sadece iyi ve dürüst insanlar tarafından yapılmasına izin verilmekteydi.
- Nuh’un karayı bulmasını sağlayan sadece bir zeytin dalıydı.
- Paranın icadından önce zeytin yağı sıvı altın olarak kullanılırdı.
- İlk eski madeni paralarda semboller zeytin yapraklarından yapılırdı
- Zeytin ağacı; akıl ve zaferin, zeytin dalı; yeniden doğuşun, zeytinyağı; saflık ve sadeliğin sembolü sayılmakta idi, modern kimyanın gelişmesi ile de zeytin yaprağı sağlığın ve uzun ömrün anahtarı olarak görülmüştür.
- Zeytin yaprağının şifa değeri, zeytinyağının şifa değerinden yaklaşık 70 kat daha fazladır.
- Zeytinyağı anne sütüne en eşdeğer nitelikteki gıdadır.
Brief Information About Olives
- It is the first of the trees that grow around the world.
- In Greek mythology, he had to see the olive tree in order to survive the goddess Athena. Some of his gods had to be born under the olive tree.
- At the beginning of Caesar, the crown made of olive trees in front of the people.
- For a long time, the winner of the Olympics was attached to the crown made of olive branch and awarded with olive oil.
- The legendary hero Hercule’s weapon is from the olive tree.
- In ancient times, those who damaged the olive tree were punished with death.
- The cross where Jesus was crucified was made of olive tree.
- David climbed the slopes of the olive grove to the east of Jerusalem as he escaped from the ABO shalom.
- The ancient Greek was considered as a sacred tree and allowed to be made by good and honest people only by good and honest people.
- It was only one olive branch that made Noah find the land.
- Olive oil was used as gold gold before the invention of money.
- In the first old coins, symbols were made of olive leaves.
- Olive-tree; Reason and victory, olive branch; Rebirth, olive oil; It was considered as a symbol of purity and simplicity, and with the development of modern chemistry, olive leaves were seen as the key to health and long life.
- The healing value of olive leaves is about 70 times higher than the healing value of olive oil.
- Olive oil is the most equivalent food to breast milk.
How does the olive tree live 2000 years?
The secret of the long survival of the olive tree and the value of the healing can be discovered with the development of modern chemistry. The secret of how many microorganisms, bacteria and diseases found in the air have been solved.
The long life expectancy of the olive tree owes to the producing substance called “oleuropein olan, a polyphenolic antioxidant that protects it against harmful organisms. It has been recorded as natural herbal antibiotic and antioxidant, which is the active ingredient of oleuropein and elenoic acid in its content, as an anti-microbial agent.
Calcium Elenoat, which derives from Elenoic acid and oleuropein, has the ability to keep the olive tree away from a wide variety of microorganism groups. This substance, which is found only in olive leaves, is the gift of nature for us to live the olive tree for thousands of years, to fruit and to offer health to people.
Healing value of olive leaf
Today, very few people know the useful use of olive leaves and the easy medical plant. The use of herbal medicine by many countries in recent years has accelerated research on this issue.
Olive leaves have been used in the treatment of diseases for thousands of years. On the healing of olive leaves, more than 1800 articles, magazines and various publications have been made.
To date, nearly 100 bioavailability has been found in the olive leaf. The phenolic and flavonoid compounds found in the olive leaf strengthen the human body’s immune system and make it resistant to diseases. This feature is a natural feature that can live the olive tree for 2 thousand years. In the 1800s, olive leaves were turned into syrup and used as a antipyretic. In the following years, it was used effectively in malaria treatment. Especially after the development of extraction methods in recent years, the liquid extract of plants has made it easier to use and has provided the more useful aspects of useful active ingredients in plants.
Why should olive leaf extract be used?
Extraction method can be preferred to obtain only useful, effective substances of plants and ensure that they can show drug effects. The useful active ingredients in plants are found at an average of 1-3 %. Instead of drinking 10 cups of herbal tea a day, it is more useful to consume 1 tablespoon of liquid extracts and is easy to use.
In the extraction method, the substances found in plants and known bioavailability are not damaged. Again, many useful substances in the plants processed by the same method are not revealed with any process in the home environment. In short, if the plants intended to be used are desired to have drug effects and the result indexed, the undisputed safest path should be reliable liquid extract.
What is olive leaf and extract helping the treatment of diseases?
In many studies performed in vivo conditions (in the live body), it was concluded that olive leaves had an anti-arrhythmic property in which vasodilator (vascular expanding) effect and thus lower blood pressure, and also caused a decrease at LDL cholesterol levels.
As a result of laboratory and clinical studies; Olive leaf has been observed to have an effect on heart disease, heart failure and vascular occlusion. Again, it has been observed that the studies on the live body reduce high levels of blood sugar. In particular, the American Cancer Research Institute reported that olive leaves are the most important natural anti-microbial and antiviral effect discovered in the 21st century.
In the past, the treatment of diseases that can be treated with antibiotics has now become difficult to treat bacteria and viruses with resistance to antibiotics. Oleuropein active ingredient is effective in microorganisms that have gained resistance to antibiotic. Olive leaf also contains vitamins A, D, E, K. In order for us to see vitamin A well, vitamin D is necessary for bone structure, vitamin E is necessary for the synthesis of effective factors in the clotting chain of blood in the prevention of oxygen radicals in the body.
Olive leaf also activates cell renewal by strengthening the immune system. In this way, as it does in the tree, it is partially delaying aging in human beings. Bronchitis, ear inflammation, sinusitis, diarrhea, hepatitis A-B-C, pneumonia, colds, throat infections, body fatigue, fungal infections, high fever, malaria, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol and so on. It has healing properties in many problems.