At its most basic definition, accounting refers to the unit where our company’s financial transactions are recorded, classified, and reported. However, this definition is not sufficient to explain accounting correctly and realize the importance of accounting. To explain it in broader terms, accounting is a unit that records, summarizes, reports, and interprets the financial transactions and values expressed in money of all institutions or organizations with economic activities. For Immunat, a company established and managed with a profit motive, accounting is among the indispensable units. The accounting unit, considered the cornerstone of the Immunat family, is a meticulously operating unit in terms of its responsibilities.

The Importance of Accounting for Our Business

Accounting directly relates to Immunat’s profit and loss ratio. Therefore, the operations taking place in the accounting department are of great importance to us. Discrepancies in the money entering and leaving the company or various gaps in accounting can lead to significant problems for companies. For this reason, companies establish an accounting department within their organization to closely monitor their companies’ financial movements. As İmmunat Herbal Medicine Inc., we are aware of the importance of the accounting unit for our company. Therefore, with the accounting department we have established within our organization, we closely monitor all our financial movements.